Transitions in XR


The main part of my PhD Thesis evolved around the implementation and evaluation of transitions in XR in more work-focused scenarios. My research showed that the efficiency of a transition is a main factor for usability and preference.


In this project, I focused on investigating transitions between virtual and physical environments to enhance usability, task performance, and user engagement in XR experiences. The research began with exploring how different transitions, such as simple cuts, fades, and more interactive methods like portals, impact users when navigating complex tasks. By using a dual-task spatial memory game, I examined user preferences, cognitive workload, and task efficiency to understand how transitions influence user experience in XR settings.
To demonstrate the potential of these concepts, I created a practical, immersive demo, integrating augmented and virtual realities through a spatial memory game. This showcased the importance of seamless transitions and their impact on user performance and experience, paving the way for more intuitive and effective XR interactions. Findings consistently pointed to the importance of efficient transitions over highly interactive ones, especially when users were focused on challenging tasks.
This led to the development of first requirements of a potential comprehensive framework to classify transitions, with the aim of providing practical guidelines for designers and researchers to select transitions based on specific application needs.
In addition, I explored the perceptual and technical challenges associated with video see-through head-mounted displays, such as latency and field-of-view limitations, offering insights and solutions based on my experience conducting research with them to guide future researchers when conducting their own research with these devices.


Supplement Video

Talk - ISMAR 2024 (Starts at 46:50)



2025 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)

Dashing: Fun but Non-Ergonomic? Exploring Transition Effects in VR

Nico Feld, Nadine Dubois, Pauline Bimberg, Benjamin Weyers, Daniel Zielasko

2024 International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Adjunct

An Application and Implementation Context-driven Perspective on Transitions in XR: Towards a Comprehensive Classification

Nico Feld, Benjamin Weyers, Daniel Zielasko

2024 International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Adjunct

Perceptual Issues in Mixed Reality: A Developer-oriented Perspective on Video See-Through Head-Mounted Displays

Nico Feld, Fabian Pointecker, Christoph Anthes, Daniel Zielasko

2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)

Navigating Realities: Assessing Cross-Reality Transitions Through a Spatial Memory Game in VR and AR Environments

Nico Feld, Pauline Bimberg, Benjamin Weyers, Daniel Zielasko
★ Best Demo Award

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Simple and Efficient? Evaluation of Transitions for Task-Driven Cross-Reality Experiences

Nico Feld, Pauline Bimberg, Benjamin Weyers, Daniel Zielasko
★ Journal Article

International Conference on Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality (EuroXR)

Correlations of Flow, Usability, Workload, and Presence with Task Performance in a Spatially Distributed Memory Task

Jan P. Gründling, Nico Feld, Daniel Zielasko, Benjamin Weyers

Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Keep it Simple? Evaluation of Transitions in Virtual Reality

Nico Feld, Pauline Bimberg, Benjamin Weyers, Daniel Zielasko
